Press Releases

Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher Votes in Support of Historic Voting Rights, Anti-Corruption, and Ethics Reform Legislation

Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) voted for of H.R. 1, the For the People Act, a bill to strengthen voting rights across the country, clean up corruption, and bring transparency to our elections.  Congresswoman Fletcher is a cosponsor of this legislation, which passed the House of Representatives last night, 220-210.  

“The right to vote is foundational to our democratic system.  And our success as a democratic society depends on protecting it,” said Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher.  “State legislatures across the country, including in my own state of Texas, are working right now to make it harder to vote.  The For the People Act protects our right to vote, fortifies election security, brings transparency to our federal elections, and works to limit the influence of dark money in politics.  It is critical legislation to ensure that our government remains one of, by, and for the people.”

The For the People Act builds on many of the actions taken in Harris County in 2020 that made voting more accessible and increased voter turnout while maintaining election security. Specifically, H.R. 1: 

  • Strengthens voting rights by: 
    • Expanding automatic voter registration and same-day registration; 
    • Strengthening vote-by-mail, early voting, and ballot access; and 
    • Combating voter intimidation and voter suppression, including the practice of purging voter rolls.  
  • Builds trust in election results by:
    • Enhancing federal support and oversight of voting system security and vendors, including mandating the use of paper ballots and directing states to use American-made voting machines; and
    • Requiring the development of a national strategy to protect U.S. democratic institutions. 
  • Protects elections and institutions from foreign interference. 
  • Promotes accountability to voters by restricting the actions of Super PACs and upholding ethical standards for members of Congress, the President and Vice President, and other federal employees.    
  • Addresses partisan gerrymandering by creating independent commissions to draw voting districts in each state.  
  • Creates transparency by mandating the disclosure of dark money in politics and political advertising. 


More information about the For the People Act can be found here.