Press Releases

Congresswomen Lizzie Fletcher, Judy Chu, Diana DeGette, Barbara Lee Lead Public Comment Letter Applauding Biden Administration’s Proposed Title X Family Planning Regulations

135 Members of Congress Join Letter on Title X Family Planning Program—born in TX-07—To Help Provide Essential Health Care Services for Millions of Low-Income Women Across the Country

Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07), together with Representatives Judy Chu (CA-27), Diana DeGette (CO-01), and Barbara Lee (CA-13), led a coalition of 135 Members of Congress in submitting public comments to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for its proposed regulations to repair and rebuild the Title X family planning program.  In their public comments, the members supported new program regulations to uphold a patient’s confidentiality, protect specialized providers from harmful discrimination, and prioritize equitable access to care for people with low incomes. 

“Title X was born in Texas 7, and through its 50-year history, it has provided essential family planning and preventative health care services to millions of people,” said Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher.  “This program has long had bipartisan support across our community.  Unfortunately, the last administration’s actions eliminated access to these essential health services for people across the country.  I am glad to join my colleagues in submitting public comments today and commending the Department of Health and Human Services and the Biden administration for their efforts to repair and rebuild the Title X family planning program.” 

Title X is the only federal program dedicated to family planning and provides critical preventive health care services for millions of low-income Americans each year, but the last administration’s domestic gag rule prevented health care providers from informing patients about family planning services or blocked them from the program entirely—denying critical care to women across the country.  Title X providers saw 2.5 million fewer patients in 2020 than they did in 2018.  Six states have no Title X providers at all, and several more have only a handful of providers left.  

Last week, during an Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee Hearing focused the Biden administration’s budget request and priorities, Congresswoman Fletcher asked Secretary Becerra about the administration’s plans to restore Title X funding for health centers that provide essential health care for millions of low-income women across the country.  The Title X family planning program was introduced in Congress by Congresswoman Fletcher’s predecessor representing Texas’ Seventh Congressional District, then Congressman George H. W. Bush.  

The public comment letter is available here.