Press Releases

Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher Joins Energy Secretary Granholm in Houston

  • 5.28 LF, Sec. Granholm at Air Liquide

Today, Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) joined the Secretary of Energy, Jennifer M. Granholm, as she visited Houston to discuss Houston’s energy economy and the American Jobs Plan.  Secretary Granholm’s visit to the energy capital of the world is her first official trip outside of Washington, D.C. as Secretary of Energy.  

“It was an honor and a delight to welcome Secretary Granholm to Houston today.  Her engaging and thoughtful approach to the issues before us, to the possibilities for energy, and to the jobs of the future was energizing,” said Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher.  “Our country leads in energy production and innovation because of the work that we do right here in Houston.  Today, people from across our community made it clear that we have the expertise, the culture of innovation, and the will to be the leaders and partners the country and the world need as we chart our energy future.”

“We hit the road to Houston to talk about the American Jobs Plan with some of the forward-thinking companies that are turning this city into America’s clean energy capital.  The conversations we've had and the insights shared make clear that if we work together, we can turn America into the world’s clean energy powerhouse,” said Secretary Granholm.

Congresswoman Fletcher and Secretary Granholm toured the Air Liquide La Porte Steam Methane Reformer facility, which processes and supplies hydrogen as an energy source.  Hydrogen is a clean fuel that can be used as an energy source across sectors and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  Secretary Granholm and Congresswoman Fletcher also met with Dr. Robert Bullard, Distinguished Professor of Urban Planning and Environmental Policy at Texas Southern University (TSU) and a member of the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council to discuss issues of environmental justice.  They ended the day with a roundtable discussion on advancing Texas’ clean energy economy at the new Greentown Labs with leaders in energy innovation and technology from startups to supermajors, joined by Mayor Sylvester Turner and Reps. Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18), Al Green (TX-09), and Sylvia Garcia (TX-29).