Press Releases

ICYMI: New Democrat Coalition Statement on U.S.-E.U. Section 232 Tariff Agreement

Following a sustained effort by Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07), Co-Chair of the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) Trade Task Force, and members of the NDC to halt Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum and to eliminate retaliatory tariffs from the E.U., the Biden Administration ended the tariffs.  Since her first term in Congress, Congresswoman Fletcher has worked to lift Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum, which placed an undue burden on local businesses.

The NDC released the following statement on the elimination of the Section 232 tariffs:

“We commend President Biden, Secretary Raimondo, and Ambassador Tai, as well as our European Union counterparts, on reaching an agreement to end the Trump Administration's misguided and damaging Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum while eliminating the retaliatory tariffs from the E.U. The new agreement provides much-needed relief for America's farmers and manufacturers and makes tremendous progress toward better coordination with our allies. 

As trade policy leaders of the New Democrat Coalition, we have long been critical of the prior administration's use of Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum. Just last month, we sent a letter urging the removal of these tariffs on our allies and close-trading partners. We applaud the Biden administration's efforts in transitioning away from these tariffs on the European Union. We are also encouraged that the administration is actively consulting with Japan and the United Kingdom on similar efforts and look forward to working with the administration to continue coordinating with allies to address the root causes of global overcapacity in these markets."