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Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher and Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin Introduce Bill to Promote American Energy in Europe

  • American Energy for Europe Act

Today, Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) and Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin (MI-08) introduced the American Energy for Europe Act to establish a program at the Department of Energy to assist our European partners in replacing Russian natural gas, oil, and nuclear supplies with American energy. 

“In this historic moment, the United States and our allies and partners must respond to Russia’s aggression in many ways.  Reducing Europe’s reliance on Russian energy—now and in the future—is an important part of that effort,” said Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher.  “I am glad to introduce this legislation with Congresswoman Slotkin to help accelerate this effort by making substantial federal investments in a new program at the Department of Energy that will assist our European allies in replacing Russian natural gas, oil, and nuclear supplies with American energy.  The American Energy for Europe Act is an important part of our response in this moment, and in securing our energy future.” 

“When it comes to key national security issues, partisanship should stop at the water’s edge. The Ukrainian people have shown incredible bravery in the last few days to protect their country, and I’m pleased that Republicans and Democrats are working together right now to make sure we have their backs,” said Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin. “Putin’s influence in the world stems mostly from Russia’s oil and gas reserves, which our European allies have been too reliant on for far too long. The fastest way to strip Putin’s regime of its leverage is to wean our allies off Russian energy sources, and that’s exactly what the American Energy for Europe Act will do. By providing our allies with the U.S.-made equipment and materials they need to become energy self-reliant, we bolster our European partners, deal a heavy blow to Putin’s influence outside of Russia, and support American workers who manufacture these components.” 

The American Energy for Europe Act establishes a program at the Department of Energy to reduce European reliance on Russian natural gas, petroleum, and nuclear supplies by:

  • Authorizing $500,000,000 to carry out the program;
    • Should the operation of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline be permanently discontinued, an additional $1,000,000,000 would be authorized;
  • Developing, producing, and procuring resources, materials, or equipment necessary to increase European energy independence; 
  • Issuing grants, loans, and loan guarantees to carry out projects that reduce dependence on Russian energy; and 
  • Providing technical assistance to allied European countries, as the Secretary of Energy determines necessary.