Press Releases

ICYMI: New Democrat Coalition Applauds Decision to Temporarily Suspend 232 Tariffs on Ukraine

The New Democrat Coalition applauded the Biden Administration’s announcement that the United States will suspend Section 232 tariffs on Ukrainian steel for one year.  The New Democrat Coalition is the U.S. House of Representatives’ largest Democratic caucus, committed to pro-economic growth, pro-innovation, and fiscally responsible policies.  Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) serves as Co-Chair of the Coalition’s Trade Task Force.

From the New Democrat Coalition press release:

Today, following Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo’s announcement that the United States will temporarily suspend 232 tariffs on Ukrainian steel for one year, the New Democrat Coalition (NDC), led by NDC Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01), NDC Vice Chair for Policy Scott Peters (CA-52), and NDC Trade Task Force Co-Chairs Ron Kind (WI-03) and Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07), released the following statement:

“The New Democrat Coalition applauds Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo and the Biden-Harris administration’s decision to temporarily suspend tariffs on Ukrainian steel. This move underlines America’s commitment to supporting Ukraine and their economic resilience in the face of Putin’s unprovoked war, which has wreaked havoc on Ukraine’s communities and economy. This decision will help create new export opportunities for one of Ukraine’s most important industries which employs one in thirteen Ukrainians. We must continue to leverage the tools we have at our disposal to aid in Ukraine’s self-defense, including by supporting its economy and workforce.”

The New Democrat Coalition has consistently called for the end of damaging and misguided Trump-era 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum on our allies and close trading partners, which can increase prices for U.S. manufacturers and families. Most recently, New Dems supported the Biden administration’s agreement with the United Kingdom to roll back 232 tariffs.