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Congresswoman Fletcher on House failure to pass Israel-only funding bill

Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher, TX-07, issued the following statement after the House failed to pass the Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024, H.R. 6126.

“Since October, President Biden has requested, and I have supported, emergency funding for pressing national security needs, including assistance for our allies Ukraine and Israel, and for humanitarian aid in Gaza and around the world,” said Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher.

“[Last] week, as soon as the Senate announced a bipartisan agreement to accomplish these national security objectives and in advance of the anticipated Senate vote on this compromise bill, House Republicans engaged in a cynical political effort to advance a different bill with funding for Israel, for transparent political purposes.

“By separating national security funding for our allies and eliminating humanitarian assistance to vulnerable populations, including the Palestinian and Israeli civilians impacted by the violence of war, this bill fails to meet the moment and the needs of our allies who are waiting on us to act, while tyrants and terrorists around the world are watching what we do.

“The United States and Israel, our closest ally in the Middle East, have a special relationship,” continued Fletcher. “Since Hamas’ brutal attack on Oct. 7, I have supported Israel’s right to respond to terror, to defend itself against present and future threats from Hamas and to exist as a Jewish, democratic state.

“I have and will continue to support efforts to provide security assistance to Israel and humanitarian assistance to those suffering and in harm’s way in Israel, in Gaza and in the region. And I will continue to do so.

“The partisan bill advanced in the House undermines the longstanding, bipartisan support Israel has received in Congress. It undermines our national security and, by failing to provide funding for humanitarian assistance in the Middle East, undermines efforts for resolution and long-term peace in the region. For these reasons, I voted no.

“This is not the time for these partisan political games. The world needs the leadership of the United States. Our allies need reliable assistance. And the American people need a Congress as serious as the moment we are living in,” said Fletcher.

“I still believe it is possible for the Congress to act, to assist and support our allies and the people who need us at this challenging time, and to demonstrate serious leadership, and I committed to doing all I can to make that happen.”

In March 2022, Congresswoman Fletcher voted for the Funding for the People Act, a bipartisan government funding bill that provided $1 billion for Israel’s Iron Dome defense system.

In April 2023, she voted for a bipartisan resolution commemorating Israel’s 75th anniversary and affirming a two-state solution, H.Res.311. In July 2023, she voted for a bipartisan resolution Expressing the sense of Congress supporting the State of Israel, H.ConRes.57.

On Oct. 7, Fletcher condemned Hamas’ attack on Israel. She also voted for a bipartisan resolution Standing with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists, H.Res. 711. She also co-sponsored and voted for a bipartisan resolution Calling on Hamas to immediately release hostages taken during the October 2023 attack on Israel, H. Res. 793. And, she co-sponsored the bipartisan “Operation Swords of Iron” Iron Dome Supplemental Appropriations Act, H.R. 5918, to provide $2 billion for Israel’s Iron Dome defense system.

In November 2023, she voted for a bipartisan resolution Reaffirming the State of Israel’s right to exist, H.Res. 888.

View this article on Jewish Herald-Voice.