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Congressional Art Competition Offers TX-07 High School Students a Chance to Showcase Talent in U.S. Capitol

Each spring, the Congressional Art Competition provides high school students across the country, including those in Texas’ Seventh Congressional District (TX-07), represented by Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher, with a unique opportunity to have their artwork displayed in the U.S. Capitol. This nationwide contest, established in 1982, recognizes and encourages artistic talent among young Americans while offering students the chance to showcase their creativity on a national stage.

The competition is open to all high school students residing in TX-07, which is your district. The overall winner from the district will have their artwork displayed in the halls of the U.S. Capitol for one year, alongside pieces from other winning students across the country. Additionally, the winner will be awarded two plane tickets to travel to Washington, D.C. for the awards ceremony. The selected artwork will be part of a year-long exhibition, so students are encouraged to submit pieces they will not need for other purposes.

Submission Guidelines and Artwork Requirements

To ensure fairness and quality, the Congressional Art Competition has specific guidelines regarding submission size, medium, and originality. All artwork must be two-dimensional and adhere to the following size restrictions:

  • Maximum framed dimensions: 26 inches high, 26 inches wide, and 4 inches deep
  • Maximum weight: 15 pounds

Accepted mediums include:

  • Paintings: Oil, acrylic, watercolor, and other similar media
  • Drawings: Colored pencil, graphite, ink, marker, pastels, and charcoal (charcoal and pastel must be fixed)
  • Collages: Must remain two-dimensional
  • Prints: Lithographs, silkscreen, and block prints
  • Mixed Media: A combination of at least two mediums (e.g., pencil, ink, watercolor)
  • Computer-Generated Art: Digital artwork created by the student
  • Photography: Film and digital photography submissions are accepted

To maintain the integrity of the competition, all entries must be original in concept, design, and execution. Artwork that has been copied from an existing photo, painting, advertisement, or graphic created by someone other than the student will not be accepted. Entries that violate U.S. copyright laws will be disqualified.

How to Enter the Congressional Art Competition in TX-07

Students in TX-07 who wish to participate in the 2025 Congressional Art Competition must submit their artwork to Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher’s District Office by April 11 at 5:00 PM. Interested students should complete the official art submission form, available at Once the form is received, additional details regarding submission procedures will be provided.

A Legacy of Celebrating Young Artists

Since its inception, the Congressional Art Competition has engaged over 650,000 high school students nationwide, fostering a culture of artistic appreciation and providing a platform for young creators to gain national recognition. Students selected for the U.S. Capitol exhibition not only receive the honor of having their work displayed in Washington, D.C., but also gain valuable exposure and recognition for their artistic achievements.

As the April 11 deadline approaches, high school students across Texas’ Seventh Congressional District are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to display their artistic talent, gain recognition, and contribute to the cultural representation of their community in the nation’s capital.

For more information on submission guidelines, deadlines, and competition details, students and educators can visit the official website of Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher or contact her district office at 713-353-8680.

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