Transportation & Infrastructure

$1.5 million to study how to reconnect the Alief community divided by the Westpark Tollway

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A $1.5 million study will look into how to reconnect the Alief community that is currently divided by the Westpark Tollway. The study will involve a community-driven planning process to focus on roadway safety, flood mitigation, bicycle-pedestrian access, transit options, parks and open spaces, and art. Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher said the study will consider community members…

Gulfton community awarded $43 million federal grant for infrastructure improvements

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A $43 million federal grant is slated to bring new sidewalks, bike lanes, and more trees to the Gulfton community by 2026. Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher made the announcement in a press release on Monday and walked the community on Wednesday, getting a first-hand look at areas in need of improvements. Houston Public Works and Tammy Rodriguez, the president of the Gulfton Citizens…

Gulfton, Alief to benefit from $43 million grant aimed at rebuilding sidewalks, increasing tree canopy to mitigate heat

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A new study has ranked Alief and Gulfton as two of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Houston when it comes to traffic injuries and fatalities for children. But a $43 million federal grant could soon help reduce the danger. Rice University's Baker Institute found that three of the four most dangerous areas for children walking and biking in Houston are in Alief and Gulfton.…

Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher Highlights Nearly $1 Billion in Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Funding Allocated for Houston Region

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Today, on the second anniversary of the signing of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07), highlighted that the Houston region has already received allocations of $911,436,609 in IIJA funding.  The IIJA is the largest, long-term investment in the country’s infrastructure in nearly a century. …

ICYMI: Ahead of Potential Government Shutdown, Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher Shares Information on Shutdown Impact

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Today, Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) shared additional information with constituents about how a government shutdown could impact residents of Texas’ Seventh Congressional District and what to expect if Congress fails to appropriate funds required for the federal government to function.  Unless the House and Senate vote to continue funding the government, funding will lapse…

Houston METRO experiments with solar-powered fans at bus stops

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The Houston Metropolitan Transit Authority is trial-testing 50 solar-powered fans installed at bus stops in the city. Currently, METRO has nearly 9,000 operational stops, with some featuring metal shelters and benches, and others left uncovered entirely, with just a sign to designate where the stop is. But changes are in the works for the small area where thousands of…

$2.5 million to go towards West University Place water distribution lines replacement

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Outdated water distribution lines in West University Place, some of which have been around since the 1940s, will be replaced using federal funding. Susan Sample is the mayor of West University Place and said many of these waterlines are made out of cast iron, and they've been around since West University Place was built. "Once this project is complete, we will have replaced…

Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher Hosts Press Conference Announcing Funding for Waterline Replacement in West University Place

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Today, Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) held a press conference to highlight $2,500,000 in federal funding to replace approximately 2,400 linear feet of pre-1939 cast iron potable water distribution lines, which have exceeded their lifespan. The waterlines, which are located on Milton Street, serve as a main artery from the City’s pump station that feeds its overall water…

Houston Metro working on solar-powered fans at bus stops, with plans to install 50 prototypes

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Breathing new life into the ordinary bus stop isn’t as simple as it might sound, but Metro officials are giving it a spin in the hopes of slightly cooling riders down. A prototype shelter aimed at addressing some of Houston’s unique needs, including solar-paneled fans, could evolve into new structures at many Metropolitan Transit Authority bus stops. Right now, the steel…