Press Releases

ICYMI: Ahead of Potential Government Shutdown, Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher Shares Information on Shutdown Impact

Today, Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) shared additional information with constituents about how a government shutdown could impact residents of Texas’ Seventh Congressional District and what to expect if Congress fails to appropriate funds required for the federal government to function.  Unless the House and Senate vote to continue funding the government, funding will lapse at 12:01 AM ET on October 1, shutting down the government. 

“Shutting down the government is nothing other than a complete failure of Congress to do its job,” said Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher.  “Unfortunately, there are some members of the House of Representatives who appear to be marching toward that outcome without regard to the damage it will do to people across the country.  While I am continuing to work with House Democrats and with Senate Democrats and Republicans to avoid this outcome, I want to share information about what constituents might expect in the event Congress fails to pass legislation to continue funding the government.  My office has compiled information and answers to frequently asked questions about what a shutdown could mean for people across our community, which we will continue to update as the situation develops.”

In May, Congresswoman Fletcher voted for the Fiscal Responsibility Act, H.R. 3746, a bipartisan bill which, among other things, set limits on annual government spending for Fiscal Year 2024.  House Republicans, however, are now refusing to honor the spending amounts agreed to in this legislation, which Congress passed and President Biden signed into law just a few months ago.  

To view the shutdown impact information and FAQs compiled by Congresswoman Fletcher, click here.  The page will be updated on a rolling basis as federal agencies release further guidance.  

In the event of a shutdown, Congresswoman Fletcher’s Houston and Washington offices will continue to operate and staff will be available to answer questions.  To contact the Houston office, call (713) 353-8680.  To contact the Washington office, call (202) 225-2571.