Press Releases

Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher Fights To Provide COVID-19 Relief for Houston Families

Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) voted in support of the updated Heroes Act, to provide communities much-needed resources necessary to confront the continued health and economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic.  Two of Fletcher’s bills to specifically address the concerns of constituents in Texas’ Seventh Congressional District passed as a part of the updated Heroes Act: the Stop COVID-19 Test Surprise Medical Bills Act of 2020, legislation to end surprise medical billing for COVID-19 tests; and the LIFT UP Act, bipartisan legislation to expand debt forgiveness for small businesses that have previously received SBA loans to see them through other setbacks, like Hurricane Harvey.  The updated Heroes Act passed the House of Representatives yesterday, 214-207.  

“We were sent to Congress to find solutions for the American people—and we are in a moment now where that could not be more important.  People in my community have told me about the urgent need to pass an additional coronavirus relief bill, and it is long past time for Congress to come together and address the continued seriousness of the crisis we’re in,” said Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher.  “The updated Heroes Act addresses many of the needs in our community, and it maintains key priorities from the original Heroes Act to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic. 

“The magnitude of this crisis and the profound impacts across our communities require us to do all we can to bring thoughtful, targeted legislation forward to protect the lives and livelihoods of Americans. I will continue to partner with our community and bring our ideas from Texas’ Seventh Congressional District to the Congress—to help our community and all Americans.”

Earlier this week, Fletcher joined 22 of her colleagues calling on House leadership to continue bipartisan negotiations with their Republican colleagues and the Administration, noting: “Given the massive impact on this pandemic on our communities, we cannot leave until we pass much-needed relief in the areas of: COVID-19 testing, state and local aid, unemployment insurance, direct stimulus payments, support for small businesses and non-profits, food security, broadband, funding for schools and child care, housing, and agriculture support, among other pressing priorities.”  

The updated Heroes Act specifically: 

  • Provides additional direct payments into the pockets of families, with a second round of economic impact payments of $1,200 per taxpayer and $500 per dependent.
  • Restores unemployment benefits, ensuring weekly $600 federal unemployment payments through next January and preventing unemployed workers from exhausting their eligibility.
  • Preserves health coverage, protecting Americans losing their employer-provided health insurance by making unemployed Americans automatically receive the maximum ACA subsidy on the exchanges, as well as a special enrollment period in the ACA exchanges for uninsured Americans.
  • Strengthens food security, addressing rising hunger with a 15 percent increase to the maximum SNAP benefit and additional funding for nutrition programs that help families put food on the table as well as targeted support for farmers and producers impacted by the crisis.   
  • Bolsters housing assistance, helping struggling families afford a safe place to live with tens of billions in new supports to assist renters and homeowners make monthly rent, mortgage and utility payments and other housing-related costs.  
  • Honors our heroes, providing one year’s worth of assistance to state, local, territorial and tribal governments who desperately need funds to pay vital workers like first responders and health workers who keep us safe and are in danger of losing their jobs.
  • Supports testing, tracing and treatment to get the virus under control, providing $75 billion for coronavirus testing, contact tracing and isolation measures, with special attention to the disparities facing communities of color, ensuring every American can access free coronavirus treatment, and supporting hospitals and providers. The updated bill also includes $28 billion for procurement, distribution and education campaigns for a safe and effective vaccine.