Press Releases

Responding with Urgency to Recent Mass Shootings, Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher Votes for Gun Safety Legislation

Today, Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) voted for the Protecting Our Kids Act, H.R. 7910, a comprehensive package of common-sense gun safety legislation.  Congresswoman Fletcher is a co-sponsor of the legislative package, which passed the House on a bipartisan basis by a vote of 223-204.

“Our hearts are filled with grief and outrage after mass shootings in Uvalde, Buffalo, and cities across our country,” said Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher.  “We must do more to make our communities safe, which is why I co-sponsored and voted for the Protecting Our Kids Act, common-sense, data-driven gun safety legislation that will have a meaningful impact and help make us safer from gun violence.”  

The Protecting Our Kids Act, H.R. 7910: 

  • Raises the purchasing age for certain semi-automatic weapons from 18 to 21 years old;
  • Cracks down on gun trafficking and straw purchases to prevent the illegal sale of guns; 
  • Closes the ghost gun loophole;
  • Promotes safe firearm storage requirements by providing a tax credit for safe storage devices to protect children from accidental shootings; and 
  • Bans the manufacture, sale, or possession of bump stocks and high-capacity magazines for civilian use, which can be used to mimic automatic gunfire. 

Last March, Congresswoman Fletcher co-sponsored and voted for the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021, H.R. 8, to require universal background checks and close the loopholes in national background check systems that enable domestic abusers and convicted felons to purchase guns.  She also voted to pass the Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021, H.R. 1446, which would close the Charleston Loophole, a federal law that allows gun purchases to move forward by default after three business days even if a background check has not been completed. Congresswoman Fletcher is also a co-sponsor of the Assault Weapons Ban of 2021, H.R. 1808.