Press Releases

Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher Applauds Biden Administration Announcement of Houston Hydrogen Hub Location

Today, Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) celebrated the announcement that the Biden administration has selected the HyVelocity Hub in Houston as one of seven locations across the United States for a Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub.  The selection comes after Congresswoman Fletcher has continuously made the case for Houston to serve as a location for the hub.

“As a supporter of the establishment of the Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub Program, and an advocate for placement in Houston, I am thrilled that the Biden administration has selected Houston as one of seven hydrogen hub locations in the United States,” said Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher.  “It is a natural fit, as Houston is the energy capital of the world.  The depth of the expertise and existing infrastructure are unmatched, and the people who live and work in the Houston area will continue to lead the way to our energy future.  This federal investment in America and American energy—up to $1.2 billion in Houston alone, creating an estimated 35,000 construction jobs and 10,000 permanent jobs—is the direct result of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which I was glad to work on and vote for, and is also a result of the dynamic, collaborative partnership and leadership in the community I am so proud to represent.”

In November 2021, Congresswoman Fletcher voted for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which, among other things, authorized $8 billion for U.S. Department of Energy to establish the Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub Program.  The hubs in this program will create networks of hydrogen producers, consumers, and local connective infrastructure to accelerate the use of hydrogen as a clean energy resource. 

In September 2022, Congresswoman Fletcher led a bipartisan effort advocating for a hydrogen hub to be established in Houston.  In March 2023, during an Energy & Commerce committee hearing, Congresswoman Fletcher discussed Houston’s energy innovation and promoted Houston as a location for the hub.

The HyVelocity Hub is a collaborative comprised of non-profit research organizations, academic institutions, and leading energy companies—including Rice University, PortHouston, and the Center for Houston’s Future—that is working to advance the clean hydrogen ecosystem in Texas and along the Gulf Coast.