Press Releases

Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher and Congresswoman Judy Chu Lead Effort Urging Expansion of Federal Family Planning Program

Today, Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) and Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-28) led a total of 149 of their colleagues in a letter to House Appropriations Chairman Robert Aderholt and Ranking Member Rosa DeLauro requesting $512 million for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Title X Family Planning Program (Title X).  Established in 1970, Title X was championed by former President and then Congressman for Texas’ Seventh Congressional District George H.W. Bush.  

“As you develop the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies appropriations legislation, we urge the committee to include increased funding for critical sexual and reproductive health programs, including the Title X Family planning program,” the members wrote.  “Specifically, we request $512 million for the Title X family planning program.  Since FY15, this program has been flat funded, pushing access to family planning services out of reach for many.

“Title X is the only federal program dedicated to providing family planning services for people with low incomes and has received bipartisan recognition as a critical public resource,” the members continued.  “Title X funded health centers are lifelines in their communities, providing high-quality family planning and sexual health care, including cancer screenings, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, contraceptive services and supplies, pregnancy testing, and other essential health care services.  In 2022 alone, Title X was able to support care at 4,126 health centers across all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories.  Following the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson and the ensuing health care crisis, it is more essential than ever to protect and support access to all reproductive and sexual health care, including contraception.”

In 2021, Congresswoman Fletcher and Congresswoman Chu led a letter along with their colleagues Congresswomen Diana DeGette (CO-01) and Barbara Lee (CA-13) applauding the Biden administration’s proposed regulations to repair and rebuild Title X.

In previous appropriations bills, Congresswoman Fletcher has continuously advocated for the expansion of Title X. 

To view the full text of the letter, click here.