Press Releases

Reps. Fletcher, Johnson, Flores, Gonzalez, Costa Call For FERC To Continue Critical Natural Gas and LNG Projects Despite Calls for a Moratorium

(Washington, DC) – Today, Representatives Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07), Bill Flores (TX-17), Vicente Gonzalez (TX-15), Bill Johnson (OH-06), and Jim Costa (CA-16) wrote to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Chairman Neil Chatterjee urging the commission to continue processing, reviewing, and accepting projects in a manner consistent with regular business – despite calls for a moratorium on the approval and construction of new natural gas pipeline and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) projects during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In their bipartisan letter, the members highlight the essential role that FERC plays to ensure people across the country, including those abiding by stay-at-home orders, hospitals, and essential businesses, have access to affordable and reliable energy.

“Even in uncertain times, we know that American prosperity and energy security are intrinsically linked, and that is why the energy sector is critical to our current response and will be a key component of our recovery. To this end, the maintenance and development of critical energy infrastructure – such as natural gas pipelines and liquified natural gas (LNG) export facilities – is vital to the nation’s safety, prosperity and well-being,” the members wrote.

They continue: “… a moratorium is both unnecessary and detrimental to the nation’s energy security.  During this period, FERC should move forward, as health and safety constraints may allow, with all applications for review of natural gas intrastate pipelines and LNG facilities while embracing new forms of public engagement. Despite the circumstances, public engagement in FERC proceedings remains a critical component in the infrastructure approval process and should proceed unimpeded.”

Reps. Fletcher, Flores, Johnson, and Costa are all Co-Chairs of the Natural Gas Caucus, and Rep. Gonzalez is the Chair of the Oil and Gas Caucus.  Congresswoman Fletcher is also Chair of the Energy Subcommittee in the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee. 

You can read the full text of the letter here.