Press Releases

Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher’s Bill To Expand Job Training for Service Members To Pass House of Representatives

(Washington, DC) – Today, Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher’s (TX-07) new bill to expand job training opportunities for service members was successfully incorporated as an amendment in the National Defense Authorization Act(NDAA), which is set to pass the House of Representatives tomorrow.  Congresswoman Fletcher’s legislation alters the eligibility requirements for the Department of Defense’s (DoD) SkillBridge program, a job training program that connects members of the armed services who are transitioning out of service to technical industry training, apprenticeships, and internships.  

Currently, service members must complete a SkillBridge program within 180 days before being discharged or released from active duty.  Once members are released from duty, they cannot continue with the program.  Under Fletcher’s legislation, service members who enroll in a program that extends beyond their discharge or release will remain eligible to complete the training, ensuring additional opportunities for service members. 

“The DoD’s SkillBridge program has successfully provided opportunities to service members looking to gain additional work experience as they transition to civilian life,” said Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher.  “I was glad to introduce legislation to build on this program’s success and ensure service members are eligible for more opportunities by removing unnecessary eligibility restrictions, and I am pleased that it has been included as a part of the NDAA today.” 

The full text of Congresswoman Fletcher’s amendment can be seen here.